
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mass Effect (xbox 360)

Game yg pada mulanya mmg boring, tapi bila dah dapat feel dia mmg best gila... game 3rd person shooter rpg yg mmg best. boleh travel kat mana2 galaxy lepas tu tembak2 alien dan achieve objective. sesetengah org kata susah nak aim sebab guna xbox controller, tapi bila dah biasa.. selamba je hehe... tak kurang suspend gak lah masa lawan tembak2 tuu dan slalu gak lah wife aku tutup mulut aku semasa main game nih.. haha... best tak best korang kena try dulu.. baru tau ternganga ke tak mulut tu.. hehe.. overal rating aku bagi 8/10

preview from gamespot

Developer BioWare has always been at the forefront of progressive storytelling in games, so it's no surprise that Mass Effect's story is one of its best yet. It's got a unique take on the chase-the-bad-guy-across-the-universe plot, and just when you think you've got everything figured out, the game throws you yet another surprise. BioWare has created a politically charged universe with an exhaustive backstory and filled it with a bunch of interesting, multifaceted characters. Combined with an exciting and unique combat mechanic, it makes for a fun and absorbing experience that you'll want to see through to the end, just to see how everything turns out--even if the game isn't perfect by any means. In fact, it's surprising that so many small annoyances and glitches made their way into a game of such general high quality. Still, most players will be able to look past them and enjoy Mass Effect for what it is: A terrific role-playing game with great production values and fun, exciting action.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hahaha tau takpe.kalo dah main, tak sedor dah bini kat sbelah..hish
